Tasha Low is such a big fan of Rui En, she could not look Rui En in her eyes when they were filming Oppa, Saranghae!
Months later, Tasha still feels shy making eye contact with Rui En.
Getting to work with your idol may sound like a dream for many people, but it can be really nerve-racking too.
Just ask Tasha Low, 29, who recently starred with her idol Rui En, 42, in Mediacorp drama Oppa, Saranghae!
In the latest episode of Mediacorp's bite-sized entertainment and lifestyle series #JustSwipeLah!, Rui En and Tasha went for a stunt choreography class before sitting down to talk about their experience shooting the drama.
"This was our first collaboration, right?," asked Rui En at the start of the video.
Not exactly. According to Tasha, they met on the set of Mediacorp drama On The Fringe in 2011.
"You acted in On The Fringe...?" wondered Rui En, who clearly forgot that she had a scene with a then 17-year-old Tasha in the drama.
Tasha had a walk-on role as a nurse and had only one line of dialogue, so we don't blame Rui En for not remembering.

Later on in the video, Rui En was asked to share her first impression of Tasha and how it changed after they got to know each other.
"In the beginning, I could only go to her Instagram to get to know her better because we haven't worked together before," recalled Rui En.
"She posted a lot of dance videos and kept smiling and [winking], so I thought this girl was very bubbly and lively. But after we started filming, I realised she's very quiet and doesn't talk much. Privately, she's someone who has her walls up," added Rui En.
That led Tasha to chime in: "Chantalle Ng gave me a nickname, she said I'm a clam because you have to slowly warm [me up]."
Rui En also described Tasha as someone who is "blur blur" at times, though Tasha disagrees.
"Initially she was very guarded but when she gets comfortable [with you], you'll realise she's quite clueless about many things," explained Rui En.

How did Tasha feel when she found out she was going to work with her idol then?
"Very excited," she said coyly before looking at Rui En and bursting into laughter.
"Actually every time we mention this, I can't lock eyes with her. I get a little shy," said.
Tasha then used her hand to block Rui En from her line of sight, her actions leading Rui En to say, "See? She's so funny, so cute right?"
So did Tasha go into fangirl mode when she first met Rui En?
While Rui En said "Yes...", a shocked and embarrassed Tasha quickly rebutted, saying: "No! I've been very careful [about showing my excitement]."
Rui En explained: "I don't know why but I have a very deep impression of this. She's very professional but when we started filming, we were shooting the office scenes and she was memorising her lines. For some reason, at that time, she didn't dare to make eye contact with me."
"The director told her: "You need to look at [Rui En's] eyes" and she started blushing. She said to the director: "I need to take a break! I'm blushing" then she just left. And then she calmed herself down before coming back," added an amused Rui En.
Aiyoh, so cute lah.