Sufiyan Samsuri
Sufiyan Samsuri is a journalist who covers the court, crime, law, sports and pop culture beats at TODAY. Before working in the newsroom, he was part of a team driving a national movement at the Ministry of Home Affairs. As an avid Manchester United supporter, he enjoys spending his weekend nights watching his team in action, through jubilation and heartbreak. Reach out to Sufiyan at sufiyan.samsuri@mediacorp.com.sg.

Sufiyan Samsuri
Sufiyan Samsuri is a journalist who covers the court, crime, law, sports and pop culture beats at TODAY. Before working in the newsroom, he was part of a team driving a national movement at the Ministry of Home Affairs. As an avid Manchester United supporter, he enjoys spending his weekend nights watching his team in action, through jubilation and heartbreak. Reach out to Sufiyan at sufiyan.samsuri@mediacorp.com.sg.
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