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How to sleep better and come out on top

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12 things to do in New Zealand that only make sense to Singaporeans We like what we like, no matter where we are. What can we say? #sorrynotsorry
Source: A day walk at Routeburn Track is a great way to take in a breath of fresh air and some beautiful scenery too. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Fresh air and sunlight inhibits the production of melatonin in our bodies, giving us energy in the day and, consequently, helping us rest better when we’re ready to go to bed. The more frequently you do this, the better your body will get at regulating your melatonin levels, thereby developing your sleeping and waking cycles. Detox from your fluorescent office life and step outside for an invigorating hike. New Zealand has literally thousands of kilometres of walks covering all kinds of terrain and fitness levels. If you’re already outdoorsy, any of the nine Great Walks takes you on a two- to four-day adventure through some of New Zealand's most
Source: You could enjoy the cool breeze and doze off under the stars at campsites like the ones at Kaikoura Beach, Canterbury. Sleep experts recommend keeping your bedroom between 18°C and 24°C for a good night’s rest. Better yet, take a warm bath or hot shower before going to bed. This increase in body temperature, followed by a gradual decrease in your cool bedroom triggers your body to produce (you guessed it) melatonin, which induces sleep. In the summer, the temperature in New Zealand ranges from 10°C to 25°C. Which means, a night by the fire, snuggled under a blanket, covered by a field of stars should result in the best sleep of your life. 5. START SLEEPING AS SOON AS YOU CAN

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