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Adulting 101: Why is it so difficult to find the 'perfect' present?

Adulting 101: Why is it so difficult to find the 'perfect' present?
As a child, opening presents under the Christmas tree was the highlight of the festive season, wondering what Santa (rather, my parents) gifted that year

But with age comes the pressure of becoming Santa; the Christmas music blasting in malls signalling the start of making my laps around shopping malls figuring out what to buy for my loved ones, friends and acquaintances for upcoming celebrations

Having had my fair share of questionable Christmas presents — like a Samsung phone cover for my iPhone and a bag of coffee which I am allergic to — I fear becoming someone who gives an objectively useless gift

But at the same time, some people seem like they have everything, or when asked, will say they want nothing

When I brought up this dilemma to my colleagues, they too said the festive season brings the trouble of finding the perfect gift
