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5-hour search in Hillview by police, including Gurkhas, for man allegedly spotted in drain wearing only underwear

Police and workers filling trash bags with items retrieved from inside a drain along a footpath on Hume Avenue on May 25, 2023. More than 30 bags were seen filled and loaded into a waste management vehicle.
Police and workers filling trash bags with items retrieved from inside a drain along a footpath on Hume Avenue on May 25, 2023. More than 30 bags were seen filled and loaded into a waste management vehicle.
A man was allegedly spotted in a drain along Hume Avenue, sparking an almost five-hour police search for him on May 25
Mr Victor Ilanos, who made a police report, said the man was in his underwear and seemed to be opening luggage in the drain
When TODAY went to the scene from 9.15am, seven Gurkha police officers were spotted searching for the man
The police left the area at about 12.30pm
At around that time, it did not appear that the man had been found