New account-based Ez-link cards allow top-ups through mobile app
SINGAPORE — Public transport commuters now have the option of buying account-based Ez-link fare cards, or updating their existing ones at ticketing machines to those that come with an account, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said.

New Ez-link fare cards will come with a backend account that will allow commuters to top up the cards through a mobile application.
SINGAPORE — Public transport commuters now have the option of buying account-based Ez-link fare cards, or updating their existing ones at ticketing machines to those that come with an account, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said.
These travel cards, available from Thursday (Jan 28), come with a backend account that will allow commuters to top up the cards through a mobile application. Commuters may also top up their family members’ account-based Ez-link cards.
This saves them the trouble of joining queues at ticketing machines to top up their cards or having insufficient value in their cards without a nearby machine, LTA said.
Users will also receive notifications when the balances in the accounts are low. If they misplace their cards, cardholders may also use the mobile app to block further transactions.
Those who choose to use account-based cards may download the TL SimplyGo app to view their fare transaction history going back to the last 180 days as well as access other ticketing services, such as the submission of claims.
“This move towards account-based ticketing is part of LTA’s commuter-centric efforts to make commuting more convenient. In the past, our public transport only had a card-based ticketing system,” it said.
In 2019, a separate account-based ticketing system was started to allow commuters to pay for public transport fares using bank cards and mobile wallets.
LTA said that a trial that supports account-based ticketing for concession cards will start later this year. The trial will allow it to understand potential concerns better and enable a smoother transition as part of a gradual move towards account-based ticketing.
The government agency said that it has started and would continue engaging different groups of commuters through focus-group discussions to gather feedback for improvement.
For example, some participants have said that they would like a convenient means to view their transaction details at public transport nodes. To cater for this, “value-checking machines” will be placed at some MRT stations and bus interchanges with high commuter traffic to allow commuters to do so.
“We will also continue to explore additional means to make it more convenient for commuters to view their transaction details, including for those who might not have access to mobile applications,” LTA said.
Even with the roll-out of the account-based systems, commuters may continue using their existing Ez-link cards.
The present card-based ticketing system will be phased out after commuters have become familiar with the new system, LTA said.