Siglap residents to raise funds for needy children to mark SG50
SINGAPORE — As they celebrate their 50th birthday with Singapore this year, 50 Siglap residents will be doing their bit for five children from low-income families.
SINGAPORE — As they celebrate their 50th birthday with Singapore this year, 50 Siglap residents will be doing their bit for five children from low-income families.
They aim to raise S$10,000 for each of the children’s education by selling 1,000 limited-edition polo T-shirts printed with a special SG50 design.
Among those involved in the fund-raising is Mayor of the South East District, Dr Maliki Osman, who felt it was a meaningful way to mark the personal milestone. “What better way for us to come together ... to say thanks to Singapore for what she has done for us, than (by) giving back in our small way to these five kids.”
Agreeing, Mr Lim Khay Guan, one of the Siglap residents taking part in the fund-raising, said: “You (would) feel like you have done something, even though it’s small ... We’re planting seeds for the next generation.”
Dr Maliki also announced other activities Siglap will hold to mark SG50.
For instance, 1,000 residents will spend the day in Pulau Ubin today as a way to discover Singapore’s past. They will be visiting Malay and Chinese kampung houses, eating traditional food and celebrating a mock Malay wedding, among other things.
Another initiative is an ongoing project to have some 5,000 residents print an orchid SG50 logo on red or white T-shirts to be worn at Siglap’s National Day Observance Ceremony.
Dr Maliki said these initiatives all stemmed from the idea of bringing residents together to celebrate the nation’s birthday.
“Celebrating SG50 is to celebrate the Singapore spirit and ensure it remains alive for many generations to come.” HOLLY MATTHEWS