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TODAY goes LIVE: Getting to the root of racism

SINGAPORE — Can racism be truly eradicated? We examine how Singaporeans should deal with racism in everyday life, be it in school, workplace or the community at large.

<p>TODAY will be hosting a live webinar session on Instagram on June 29 at 12pm, in partnership with the National Youth Council.</p>

TODAY will be hosting a live webinar session on Instagram on June 29 at 12pm, in partnership with the National Youth Council.

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This webinar is in partnership with the National Youth Council.

Join our host Elizabeth Neo and her guests on June 29 at 12pm on our Instagram live session as they talk about getting to the root of racism. There are also prizes to be won, so follow us on Instagram.

SINGAPORE — In recent years, an increasing number of racism incidents have come to light in Singapore partly due to the rise of social media.

These have generated much discussion among youths in particular, some of whom believe that Singapore’s multiracial society should strive to eliminate racism in its most common form – everyday racism or microaggressions.

But can it be truly eradicated? We examine how Singaporeans should deal with racism in everyday life, be it in school, workplace or the community at large.

Is naming and shaming or calling out such behaviour on social media the ideal way? What can society do to address the root issues and mindsets that give rise to microaggressions? How can Singaporeans develop a deeper appreciation of different cultures and ethnicities and confront stereotypes instead of holding on to them?

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