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Automated make-up pay claims for NS to be rolled out from second half of 2022

SINGAPORE — The automation of the make-up pay claims system for in-camp training will begin from the second half of the year and the system will draw wage data from the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board and the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). 

From the second half of 2022, operationally ready national servicemen and their employers will no longer need to submit claims and supporting documents for operational ready national service activities such as in-camp trainings.
From the second half of 2022, operationally ready national servicemen and their employers will no longer need to submit claims and supporting documents for operational ready national service activities such as in-camp trainings.
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  • The automated make-up pay claims will draw from wage data submitted to the Central Provident Fund and the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
  • The functional assessments used during pre-enlistees' medical screenings will involve tests of their range of motion, stability and strength
  • A new OneNS platform will replace the existing NS Portal later in 2022

SINGAPORE — The automation of the make-up pay claims system for in-camp training will begin from the second half of the year and the system will draw wage data from the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board and the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (Iras). 

Operationally ready national servicemen (NSmen) and their employers will be asked to review the computed amounts before the payment is given out, Mr Heng Chee How said. The Senior Minister of State for Defence was speaking in Parliament on Thursday (March 3) during a debate on his ministry’s spending plans.

The make-up pay tops up NSmen’s training pay to match the income of their job as civilians.

Mr Heng was giving more details on National Service (NS) announcements made by Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen on Wednesday on the make-up pay claims system, the “functional assessments” for pre-enlistees and the extra cash to be given out for completing NS milestones.

Mr Heng also announced a new online platform that will consolidate all NS-related services for servicemen.


  • From the second half of 2022, NSmen and their employers will no longer need to submit claims and supporting documents for operational ready national service (ORNS) activities such as in-camp trainings
  • For employed NSmen, the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) will automatically calculate the claim amount from the CPF Board at least two months before in-camp training begins
  • For self-employed NSmen, Mindef will retrieve wage data from tax agency Iras upon the NSmen’s consent. This will be computed based on the average monthly trade income shown in the NSman’s latest Income Tax Notice of Assessment at the point of data retrieval
  • Automated claim details will be sent to NSmen and employers a month before in-camp training for them to verify and flag inaccuracies
  • If there are no objections, the make-up pay will be disbursed within 10 working days after the start of in-camp training


  • Functional assessments during pre-enlistee medical screenings have been introduced for those with certain orthopaedic conditions and sports injuries
  • The assessments involve tests to show range of motion, stability and strength
  • Trained physiotherapists will assess how well they function against the physical demands of job-specific training requirements


  • From next month, national servicemen will receive an extra S$2,000 in cash cumulatively across three milestones under the NS Housing, Medical and Education (NS Home) Awards
  • They will get S$1,000 after completing full-time NS, S$500 at the mid-point of their ORNS cycle and another S$500 when they complete their cycle
  • This will be paid out via the Government’s LifeSG mobile application
  • The new cash payments are on top of the present contributions to NSmen’s CPF and post-secondary education accounts
  • This means that NSmen will be getting at least S$6,000 at the end of their full-time NS, at least S$5,500 at the mid-point of their ORNS cycle, and another S$5,500 when they complete their cycle


  • The existing NS Portal, which servicemen use to access NS-related services online, will be replaced with a new OneNS platform to be rolled out in phases starting later this year

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